Deep Dreams


You will need


Tube and font and brushes of your choice


Brushes HERE

The Following Filters:

Unplugged Effects HERE 

MuRa's Meister - Copies 1.3 HERE

DC Special - Deep Dream HERE

Open a 500 x 500 new image, transparent.

Flood fill with a color from your tube.  Set that color as your forground color and black as your background/fill color.

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer.  Duplicate this layer and then close off visiblity of the duplicate.  Highlight the original tube layer.  We'll be working on this layer first.

Go to Image - Mirror

Effects - Plug Ins - Unplugged Effects - Phantom, with these settings:

X  59

Y  127

Please note:  these settings work best with a tall thin tube.  If you use a different type of tube, you may want to play with the settings.

Next.. Effects - Plug Ins - MuRa's Meister Copies

Set to:


Tile Mode


And change only the following settings:

Number  3

Shift X  36

Shift Y  -20 (minus 20)

Scale  55

Click Ok

Add a new Raster Layer and add your brushes in any combination/pattern you like, using either the color in your foreground and black, as you need.  When finished, pull this layer below the tube layer and lower opacity of both layers to 72.

Unhide and highlight the copy of your tube layer.

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

Vertical -2

Horizontal 2

Opacity 85

Blur 5

Now, highlight Raster Layer 1, the bottom background layer.

Effects - Plug Ins - DC Special - Deep Dream

Leave the default settings as they are.  Make sure that the top color is the same color as your background.  Click OK.

Go back to your tube layer and move it, if you like, to where it looks best.

Image - Resize by 80% to 400 x 400

Resample using: Smart Size checked

Lock Aspect Ratio 1 to 1  checked

Resize ALL layers checked

Then making sure your tube layer is still highlighted Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.

Now to add your text:  I used the font Far East.  Size 48,  Stroke Width 1.5

Foreground Color #00569C

Background Color #6E9ED3

Or colors you prefer from your tube.  Create as vector.  Move and angle it to your liking.

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow, same settings as above.  (say ok if prompted to convert to raster)

Add the artist's © credit layer and your own watermark.

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Almost finished!  Now to add the borders!

Image - Add Borders

All borders will be Pixel size 4

The first border is the same color as your background or what you like, mine was #00569C

The second border is black and the third border is the same color as the first.

Take your Magic Wand and Select the outside colored border.

Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel

Bevel #1

Width 4

Smoothness 16

Depth 4

Ambience 0

Shininess 14

Color White

Angle 358

Intensity 50

Elevation 35

Click OK.

Selection - Select None

Repeat using the same settings with the innermost colored border.  Do not deselect, because we want to add a drop shadow first.

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

Vertical 2

Horizontal 2

Opacity 85

Blur 5

using a LIGHT color from your tube. 

Repeat the drop shadow but change both the Vertical and the Horizontal to -2.

Selections - Select None

File - Export as a jpg and you're done.


Thank you to Saturn Alice for giving permission for the use of her artwork.

Please DO NOT copy this tutorial to put online, pass out or re-write without my permission.  You may link to them or print them out for your own personal use.  
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Tutorial is ©Cru aka Tori Beveridge 2004-2010