Floating On Clouds



You will need

PSP Trial Version HERE

Zipped Heart Tube and Font HERE

Rainbow Coffi's Heart Clouds Tube HERE  

For more great tubes by Rainbow Coffi, visit HERE (You must register to download.  It's a free register)

Eye Candy 3.1 HERE

Visman Natural Filter HERE


Open your Hearts Tube.  Choose the color you wish to use and highlight that layer of the tube.

Copy and paste as a new image.  Hold down shift and press the D key on your keyboard to duplicate your heart.

Image - Resize image by 50%

Resample using Smart Size and Lock Aspect Ratio both checked.

Repeat this with the new smaller heart, so you have another even smaller heart tube.

You now have 3 sizes of the heart.  Put these aside, we'll use them later.

Open a 600 x 600 new image, transparent.

Open your clouds tube.   Using your selection tool, select around the color of cloud you wish to use.  Copy and paste your tube as a new raster layer.

Now your name.  I used the font, Moonstar. 

 Set your foreground and background colors, using a dark color from the heart accent you will use, as the foreground color, and a light color from your cloud as the background fill color.  For the pink tag, above, I used for the Foreground  #D30387 and for the Background/Fill #FCEAF0. 

Now set the Background as a gradient, using Foreground - Background Fade Gradient, #2 Style (the box)

Horizontal 51

Vertical 51

Close off the Foreground Color and using only Background/Fill, set your Font Size to 72 and create as vector.  Move your name into place. 

Layers - Convert to Raster Layer.

Go to Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel

Bevel  #8

Width 4

Smoothness 16

Depth 4

Ambience 0

Shininess 14

Color - White

Angle 358

Intensity 50

Elevation 35

Click OK

Effects - Plug Ins - Eye Candy 3.1 - Glass

Bevel Width 13

Bevel Shape - Button

Flaw Spacing 30

Flaw Thickness 10

Opacity 22

Refraction 15

Color - White

Highlight Brightness 88

Highlight Sharpness 60

Direction 135

Inclination 45

Click Ok and then REPEAT the Glass, changing ONLY Refraction.  Change Refraction to 32.

Click OK

Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 3.1 - Drop Shadow

Direction 95

Distance 6

Blur 5

Opacity 100

Color #C0C0C0

Click OK

Now, we decorate.  Take your 3 different sizes of hearts and copy and paste them as new layers, moving them to where they look best with your name.  Pull some below the cloud layer and leave some above.  Use as many of each different size as you personally like.

Add your artist's copyright layer and your own personal watermark, if you use one.

Layers - Merge Visible

Copy and paste as a new image to get rid of the excess empty space around the tag.

If you like, Image - Resize to Pixel Width 400, again with Resample using Smart Size and Lock Aspect Ratio both checked.

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Let's Add Sparkles.

(You can skip this step and export as a jpg if you are happy with the sparkles)

Layers - Duplicate - Twice

Highlight your bottom layer.

Effects - Plugins - VM Natural - Sparkle

Change only the following settings, leave the others as is.

Maximum Size 17

Random Seed 25

Click OK

Highlight your middle layer.

Effects - Plugins - VM Natural - Sparkle

Change only the following settings, leave the others as is.

Maximum Size 14

Random Seed 29

Click OK

Highlight your top layer.

Effects - Plugins - VM Natural - Sparkle

Change only the following settings, leave the others as is.

Maximum Size 14

Random Seed 34

Click OK

Open Animation Shop

Highlight your bottom layer.  Copy it and take it to Animation Shop.  Right click on the workspace and paste as new animation.

Go back to Paint Shop.  Highlight your middle layer.  Copy it and take it to Animation Shop.  Right click on your first frame and Paste - After Current Frame.

Go back to Paint Shop.  Highlight your top layer.  Copy it and take it to Animation Shop.  Right click on Frame #2 and Paste - After Current Frame.

Slide back to your first frame.  Click on it to highlight it.  Hold down your Ctrl Key on your keyboard and press A to select all frames.  They should now all be highlighted.

Go up to the top toolbar to Animation - Frame Properties - Display Time 15

File - Optimization Wizard - Replace the Current Version with the Optimized Version

Next-Next-Next-Until Finished

File - Save As - The Name You Are Naming Your Tag.

And that's it!



Enjoy your tag!


Thank you to Rainbow Coffi for giving permission for the use of her artwork.

Please DO NOT copy this tutorial to put online, pass out or re-write without my permission.  You may link to them or print them out for your own personal use.  
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Tutorial is İCru aka Tori Beveridge 2004 to 2010
All rights reserved