My Eyes
You will need
Font of your choice
Tube HERE or Tube of your choice
Brushes of your choice
Eye Candy 3 or 4000 Used but optional
This tutorial was written using PSP 8 and assumes you will be using the tube provided. You have my permission to recolour this tube.
Open the tube. Go to Edit - Copy. Then Edit - Paste as new image. You can close the original tube now, we won't need it anymore.
Let's begin making the tag. If you don't have a coffee, now might be a good time to get one.
Go to Layers - Duplicate Layer.
Working with this duplicate layer, use the rectangle selection tool and draw a rectangle around the eye on the right side of the tube.
Press delete and the eye will be gone from this layer, but you'll still see the eye from the layer below, so don't think it didn't work. It did.
Selections - Select None
Lower the opacity of this layer to 80. (You'll find the slide to lower opacity in the layers palette beside the eye)
Now, lower the opacity of the tube layer below this to 24.
Go to Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood fill this new layer with a colour of your choice from your tube, or the colour I used above, #444C79.
Go to the Layers Palette and drag this layer to the bottom below both tube layers.
Layers - New Raster Layer
Time to get creative! Add your brushes.
I used the colour white, but you may prefer something different.
Edit - Undo, if you need to, until you get the brushes positioned behind and around the eye, so that you are happy with them.
Now we're going to add your quote or greeting, using the font and colours of your choice, matching your background and brush colours.
I used Times New Roman, Size 16, Stroke Width 0.3
Foreground/Stroke Colour #444C79 and Background/Fill Colour White
Create as a vector and move it to the position you like.
Layers - Convert to Raster
Now you have options depending on what you are using:
Go To Effects - Plug Ins - Eye Candy 3 or 4000
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
Use your background colour as the glow(or shadow) colour (I used #444C79).
For Eye Candy 3: Glow - Use Thin or Diffuse, whichever you prefer. Draw Everywhere unchecked. Suggestion: Try Thin with a Width of 24 and Opacity of 58
For Drop Shadow, play with the settings, but don't do a heavy shadow, something light, just to make the words pop a little.
For Eye Candy 4000: Glow
Use Glow Width 9.02
Soft Corners 57
Overall Opacity 44
Draw only Outside Selection box checked
Great! That's done! Time for a sip of coffee.
Now for the sparkle. Open the sparkle tubes. Copy and paste as a new raster layer, first the blue tube or the larger white tube, and move it into position on the right eye using your mover tool. Then copy and paste the smaller white sparkle as a new raster layer, and move it directly on top of the blue sparkle.
Close out the visibility of these two layers by clicking on the eyes in the layer palette. The sparkles will no longer be seen.
Time to add your artists copyright layer and your tagged by watermark. Use whatever font you like and create as a vector and move it where you like on the tag. Layers - Convert To Raster
And finally, let's add your name to the tag, using whatever font you like. Use the same colours and stroke width you used for your quotation.
For my name in the tag above, I used the font Snell BT Size 48.
Create as a vector and move into position. Layers - Convert to Raster
Add your Eye Candy Glow or drop shadow to your name, as you did before.
Now.. we're ready to go to Animation Shop.. but first, another sip of coffee.
Open Animation Shop
Working in Paint Shop:
Layers - Merge Visible
Right click on your tag and Copy
Go to Animation Shop and Right click on the work space and Paste As New Animation.
Pull the right edge of your tag window open, so that you can see a little of the next empty frame... (this is something I like to do, you don't have to if you don't want to)
Go back to Paint Shop.
Edit - Undo Merge Visible
Unhide the blue sparkle by clicking on the eye again.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Right click on your tag and Copy.
Go to Animation Shop and right click on your first frame of your animation and choose Paste - After Current Frame.
Go back to Paint Shop.
Edit - Undo Merge Visible
Unhide the white sparkle by clicking on the eye. All layers will now be visible.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Right click on your tag and Copy.
Go to Animation Shop and making sure you have Frame 2 only highlighted, right click on Frame 2 and choose Paste - After Current Frame.
Stay in Animation Shop now.
Right click on Frame 1. Select Frame Properties from the pop up menu and change the display time of this frame to 36, or longer if you prefer.
File - Optimization Wizard - Replace Current animation with optimized. Better quality Image slide all the way to the top and hit next, next.
Whee! Your tag is optimized!
File - Save As - Whatever you are naming this tag.
Congratulations on a job well done! Celebrate with another cup of coffee!
Enjoy your tag!
The eyes used in this tutorial were made in Poser 5 by myself, Cru. Don't forget to read my TOU.
Please DO NOT copy this tutorial to put online, pass out or re-write without my permission. You may link to them or print them out for your own personal use.
This page is kept printer friendly for those who print out their tutorials.