Red Rose


You will need

Tube and font of your choice
Rose Tubes by Rainbow Coffi and Sparkle HERE
Slat Tube #15 from Slat Tube Series #1 HERE UNDER TUBES
Open a 500 x 500 new image, transparent.
Open your slat tube. Copy and paste your slat tube as a new raster layer.
With your magic wand, touch the black area of the slat tube to select it. Selections - Invert.
Open the "First Bloom Red Rose" tube. Image - Mirror. Copy and paste it as a new raster layer. Move the rose with your mover tool, into a postion over the slat that you like. (You'll see the ants marching around the slats and the area of the rose inside the slats). When you're happy, hit the Delete button.
Open your main tube and copy and paste it as a new layer. Again, move it into postion inside the marching ants around the slat tube. When you're happy, hit Delete. Lower the opacity of this layer to anywhere between 30 and 60, depending on your tube and what you think looks good. (in the tag above, my setting was 32)
Selections - Select None
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Layers - Duplicate
Working on the bottom layer: Adjust - Blur - Blur, then, Adjust Blur - Gaussian Blur with a radius of 10.00
Go to Texture Effects - Mosaic Glass with the following settings:
# of Columns 50
#of Rows 50
Symmetric Checked
Glass Curvature 50
Edge Curvature 0
Grout Width 2
Grout Diffusion 50
Click Okay
Layers - Duplicate, then, Image - Mirror
If you plan to place your main tube on the left side of the tag, highlight your merged rose slat layer and go to Image - Mirror. If you are placing your tube on the right side of the tag, continue on.
Open your main tube again. If you need to resize it, do so. Copy and paste it as a new raster layer and move it into position on the tag. Make sure it's your top layer.
Open the "Rose Accents" tube. Copy and paste it as a new raster layer. Move it into position.
Let's add your name. Choose your font, color and size. I used the font: Boulevard Size 48 Background Fill Only Colour #435710
Create as a vector, with Antialias checked. Move it into the position you like. Layers - Convert to raster layer.
Add your artist's copyright credit layer now and your own watermark, if you use one. Do not credit Rainbow Coffi, as the tubes are being used as accents and she requires no credit in this instance.
Layers - Merge Visible
If you're happy with the tag as it is: Copy and Paste as a new image. Export as a .jpg and you're done!
If you would like to add the twinkle, read on....

Open Animation Shop, so it's ready.

Working in Paint Shop:
Open your twinkle tube
Copy and paste it as a new raster layer, moving it into position on top of one of the sparkles in the pearl accent. Repeat this, choosing a different sparkle to place the twinkle on. Close off visibility of your bottom layer by clicking on the eye and then Layers - Merge - Merge Visible to merge the two twinkles into one layer. Name this Twink 1
Unhide your bottom layer.
Copy and paste your twinkle again. Put it on top of a different sparkle this time. Name this layer Twink 2
Copy and paste your twinkle once more and put it on top of a different twinkle. Name this layer Twink 3
Close off visibility of Twink 3 and Twink 2
Layers - Merge Visible

Right click on your tag and Copy

Go to Animation Shop and Right click on the work space and Paste As New Animation.

Pull the right edge of your tag window open, so that you can see a little of the next empty frame... (this is something I like to do, you don't have to if you don't want to)

Go back to Paint Shop.

Edit - Undo Merge Visible

Unhide Twink 2. Close off Twink 1 and Twink 3 Layers.
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Right click on your tag and Copy.

Go to Animation Shop and right click on your first frame of your animation and choose Paste - After Current Frame.

Go back to Paint Shop.

Edit - Undo Merge Visible

Unhide Twink 3. Close off Twink 1 and Twink 2.

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Right click on your tag and Copy.

Go to Animation Shop and making sure you have Frame 2 only highlighted, right click on Frame 2 and choose Paste - After Current Frame.

Stay in Animation Shop now.
File - Optimization Wizard - Replace Current animation with optimized. Better quality Image slide all the way to the top and hit next, next.

You're optimized! File - Save As - Whatever you are naming this animation.

And finally.. you're done!

Enjoy your tag!

Thank you to Alan Stevens , and Rainbow Coffi for both the inspiration for this tutorial and their kind and generous permission to use their artwork.

Please DO NOT copy this tutorial to put online, pass out or re-write without my permission. You may link to them or print them out for your own personal use.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Tutorial is İCru aka Tori Beveridge 2005 - 2012
All rights reserved