Simple Wave

You will need


Your own tube and font

Open a new image 500 x 500, transparent

Copy and paste your tube. Your tube should be no more than 400 high or 400 wide to give you room to work around it, so resize if you need to.

Adjust - Blur then Adjust - Gaussian Blur with Radius 10

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave

Amplitude 2 and Wavelength 12

for both Horizontal and Vertical

Edge Mode is transparent

Effects - Texture Effects - Texture

Choose Small Stones

Size 25%

Smoothness 40

Depth 2

Ambience and Shininess both 0

Color - White

Angle 307

Intensity 43

Elevation 33

Paste your tube once more as a new layer. Pull it off to one side, whichever side you feel looks best.

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

Use a dark color from your tube or black.

Vertical -2

Horizontal 2

Opacity 75

Blur 10

Now add your text, using whatever font you like. Use size 48 to 72 depending on your font. You want your name to be a good size. Create as a vector and move into place, then convert to raster layer.

Now Layers - New Raster Layer Pull this layer under your wave background layer. Keep it highlighted.

Go to your spray paint tool. Choose a color from your tube.

Use +Default Round Spray Brush

Size 108

Hardness 0

Step 0

Density 10

Thickness 100

Opacity 100

Blend Mode - Dissolve

Rate 5

Spray around your tube and background lightly, taking care not to get straight edges. If you do go too close to the edge and get a straight edge, use your eraser tool or your selection tool to get rid of the straight edge.

Add your artist copyright layer and your own made by watermark if you are using one.

Layers - Merge Visible

Resize your image if you like: Image - Resize to 400 x 400

Resample using Smart Size

Lock Aspect Ratio and Resize All Layers checked.

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Copy and paste as a new image to get rid of the excess white.

File - Export - Jpg Optimizer and you're done!!

The tube I've used above in the example is my own artwork.  My tubes are available for sale at Artistic Dreams Imaging

Copyright Tori Beveridge aka Cru 2005-2012

All rights reserved.