30 in 30 day 6 and 7 feature

30 in 30 Days 6 and 7

30 Paintings in 30 Days – Days 6 and 7


Day 6


This one is titled, ‘Faith’ and was inspired by this week’s Life Book 2016 lesson by Angela Kennedy.

30 in 30 day 6 faith by tori beveridge


Day 7


I was hungry when I started painting.  Don’t paint when you’re hungry or you’ll end up with a quick, doodly, vanilla cupcake with pink lemonade icing.

30 in 30 day 7 by tori beveridge


Thanks for having a peek today.  I’ll be back tomorrow with another painting.  Until then, have a beautiful day and don’t forget to visit 30 Paintings in 30 Days for links to what other artists have created today.

29 faces September


Creative Everyday 2016

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