Close up of Shine Brightly by Tori Beveridge

Little Bliss List – Shine Brightly

My Little Bliss List  (Remembering the things that made me happy this week, because it’s so easy to forget them.) Shine Brightly That’s the name of this painting… The night sky out here is amazing.  It’s filled with stars.  I love looking up at them.  It’s awe inspiring. This city mouse turned country mouse will […]


My Little Bliss List

“Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss.  Nothing is as rich.  Nothing is more real.”  Deepak Chopra   We are by nature always on the alert for bad things that might happen.  It is hard wired into us.  It stems back to our basic instincts of fight or flight and survival.  This is […]

be your own angel feature toribeveridge

Be Your Own Angel

Be Your Own Angel   I was inspired to paint this angel by a Life Book 2016 lesson by Ivy Newport. It was suggested to make it a paint over of a ‘selfie’ to make it a self portrait. Obviously, I did not do a self portrait and my interpretation of the lesson is different. […]

from myword bowl 8

From My Word Bowl 8 – WIP

From My Word Bowl 8 – A Work in Progress   Hi everyone.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful week.  Sorry for being a day late with my word bowl words..  I had a few technical problems that had to be solved before I could post, but all is good now. I love this week’s […]

Word Bowl Words - 6

From My Word Bowl – 6

Working with mixed media can sometimes make me feel very uncomfortable. I don’t always like the messiness and the chaos that results. I like other artists’ work, just not my own. It’s way out of my comfort zone.  Occasionally I force myself to do it and accept the result. That happened with this week’s art […]

Word Bowl Words Week 3

From My Word Bowl – 3

Sometimes my word bowl fails me and gives me such random unrelated words, that I cheat and put them back and keep drawing from it until I get something I like. That happened today. The first words I picked, “there she was” sounded promising, but then…  “fetch the cows”.  Seriously?!   How did those words […]

Photo of My Word Bowl

From My Word Bowl – 2

This week’s words pulled from my word bowl are:     I decided to use them with a sketch I did this morning.     I used watercolor, colored pencil and ink and the words.       If the words from my word bowl inspire you to create something, please leave me a little […]

Painting Eight

Well.. I had wanted to post two paintings today, but our power went out last night, cutting my art time down significantly!  I am here with the painting I finished and I’m going to say, with my fingers crossed, I’ll have two paintings for you tomorrow. My eighth painting is this mixed media piece, inspired […]

Wisdom Sparkled

Wisdom Sparkled by Tori Beveridge   It reads “and as she breathed wisdom sparkled” Inspired by a Life Book 2015 lesson by Danielle Donaldson. Watercolor, acrylic and ink

Can You, Journal Page Spread

Earlier this week, someone in a Facebook group I’m a member of, shared an art journal exercise/prompt, to flip through magazines and cut out words that spoke to you.  Then you were to use the words in your journal.  Her journal pages were inspiring.  They were filled with words that were characteristics of the person […]

A Loose Journal Page

This is a loose art journal page, because I wanted to do something a little larger than my journal allows.  I’ve been doing quite a few small pieces lately and I wanted to stretch.  I reached for a 9 x12 piece of mixed media paper. I didn’t know what I was going to do, except […]

Day Thirteen of Thirty Paintings in 30 Days

I think I spent more time trying to fix scans and photos of this than it actually took to paint.  I finally decided on this scan and it still doesn’t do it justice.  It’s much prettier up close and personal. Let Your Art Blossom by Tori Beveridge Mixed media on 4×6 140lb cold press watercolor […]