Hi everyone. Today it is my great delight to introduce you to another Enchanted Visions artist. I know you’re going to enjoy meeting the very interesting and talented
Harkalya Reveur
Enchanted Visions Artist, Harkalya Reveur aka Koral Garcia Delgado |
Who is, “Harkalya Reveur”? Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Koral Garcia Delgado. Turning 38 and feeling like 83…
I am a dreamer, natural born fantasy artist, angry-loving mother of two (little demons), permaculturist, cardboard recycler and compulsive reader.
Around six years ago I moved to a little andinean village called “La Azulita” (Little Blue) surrounded by tropical forests, we live in our organic farm, I love animals and care for many of them, like Noah`s ark: We have two goats, one male lamb, two cats, two dogs, two tortoises, a hen turkey, one rooster, five hens, eight chickens, a pair of guinea’s hens, two rabbits -the white girl called “Nieve” is my fav pet- and many wild fauna like birds, squirrels and others. We cultivate the most of our food and help in empowering and environmental projects with local school children and women.
I am from Caracas, a dangerous and cosmopolitan city, chaotic like all my country Venezuela, the epicenter of madness, so as you can imagine living in forest mountains and farming is very different from my old academic and bohemian life and we have often funny situations because that… I think my life is a surreal experience, dreamy and nightmarish, my goal is enjoy it more than suffer it!
How did you hear about Enchanted Visions and why did you want to become a member artist?
I found it with internet, researching about contemporary fantasy art. I was amazed by the site and asked for join submitting some pieces of my portfolio, after a little time they wrote me an email accepting me, which made me so happy!
Each month, Enchanted Visions artists are challenged with creating a piece of art for that month’s theme. Please share some of the art you have created for Enchanted Visions with us. For each piece of art, please describe how it interprets that month’s theme, any story behind the art, and the theme’s meaning to you.
The Gift by Enchanted Visions Artist, Harkalya Reveur |
“The Gift”
One of my earlier EV, this work is so intimate, is about the big-heavy responsibility we have in hands when born a child, the pain implicated in giving and supporting another life, but is also about the wonder of life, the maximum gift God/Goddess give us every day and how we hurt each other when don’t understand that simple truth. I was in a painful situation with my partner and I channelize it through this theme. I totally exposure my deep inner feelings here. I offered my soul as a gift.
Changes by Enchanted Visions Artist, Harkalya Reveur |
When I saw this theme first idea came to my mind was the I-Ching, so I decided to take on it since my particular wheel of changes, I painted a kind of mandala with my own symbols and evolutive process, there are my city, farm, sons, pets… my yins and yangs, with a touch of chaos in the middle and a general sense of beauty, just changing between dark and light and vice versa like the moon…
Little Things by Enchanted Visions Artist, Harkalya Reveur |
“Villa Harkalya: Little Things” for the theme “Wonder”
With the theme Wonder I painted a very “realistic” landscape of my farm, my friend hummingbird and my beautiful rose, there is details like the bees because they are very important to us, the avocado tree showed as a wisdom tree, that it is in fact! I tryed to show how focusing in the little-magic-fantastic-everyday-things give you the strong to support all the remain, the messed part, the ugly and sad and dark.
EV has a monthly auction of the work created. Do you sell your work there?
I am trying to do it, I will certainly do more on the future, when solve some difficult with international shipping and internet at home.
Are there challenges knowing you are one of many artists creating art for the same EV theme? Does this knowledge hinder you or give you momentum when creating for the monthly theme?
Every month I challenge myself to give my best and try to do it on time because I respect and admire a lot the art of my fellows and I am so proud to be part of this collective, is like I found my soul family. It is absolutely inspiring. I can`t wait to see what other artists had created for each theme, is amazing to see all works together, I spend hours looking into each piece.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I had been a very unpredictable person all my life, maybe people be surprised to know I was a clown actress in a circus group for a while…
Describe (and provide a photograph if you like) of your studio/work space. What would you change about it, if anything, for it to become your dream work space?
Currently my studio is everywhere I am, lap, kitchen, room, outdoors, any table, etc… also finally after years wishing for, I have my own space for workshop but… right now is like a storage room and definitively needs more natural light… I am planning this will be a place for art classes, working and a community library for people –children- around my home.
“Paint” a picture of yourself for us using 10 colorful words to describe you, the total picture.
Visionary, rebel, fae, mystical, deep, creative, lonely, whimsical, ecologist, neurotic 😛
Thank you so much Koral, for this wonderful look into your creative process, your art and you.
Please visit ENCHANTED VISIONS to see more of Koral’s art and what she has created for the latest theme.
If you would like to see more of Koral’s art, you can find her at the following links:
Twitter: @HarkalyaReveur
Nice interview, Koral! You live such a colorful life! 🙂
Thanks Joyce, glad to share it a little with all of you 😉
I love this, Koral! Your life on the farm sounds lovely and happy. I wish you all the best on your future endeavours! <3
-Alexandra Rena