Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Friday everyone! This week, I’d like to introduce you to the sweetest, most delightful artist, Diane Coe of The Shepherd’s Studio Artist, Diane Coe with one of her lambs Who is Diane Coe@The Shepherd’s Studio? I was first a Shepherd and a FarmHer, loving my quiet rural life on our small 5 acre farm in Maryland. […]
Over the weekend I took part in Ellen Million Graphics Sketch Fest #51. I had hoped to have more time to spend, but as the garden and outdoor chores come first, I only had an hour and only time for one sketch. I chose the prompt “Zentangled Anything” by Tiffany Guin and came up with […]
It’s time for April Showers which prompted me to doodle this little girl. In her over sized polka dot hat and raincoat she’s sure to keep dry. This week’s Free Crudoodle digital stamp is named In a Polka Dot Raincoat. To save In a Polka Dot Raincoat to your computer, please click on the image […]