Blog Hops are everywhere, food blog hops, sahm blog hops, craft blog hops, scrapbooking blog hops, etc. etc.
What is a Blog Hop? It’s a chance to have a list of blogs about a certain subject, all in one spot. One blogger will host the hop on their blog. You fill in a form on their blog, to add your blog’s home url and an icon to the page. Then, readers, and other bloggers who participated in the hop, visit the blogs on the list. It’s a great chance to expand your fans/followers’ list, to see new techniques and products and to meet new friends.
Weekly Wordless Wednesdays are popular and usually consist of photographs, but I don’t see why that photo couldn’t be of your new painting or sculpture, or Etsy product, or your newest digital art. Wordless Wednesdays are considered Link Parties, as you usually link to a specific blog post rather than your blog’s home page. Some link parties are themed, which I think would work really well for artists. It would be wonderful to see all the artists’ variations of “May Day” for example.
Honestly, though I hadn’t seen any Blog Hops specifically for artists, but I was excited to see if I could find some. I had to dig really deep. Maybe this is because I don’t have a wide network of artist friends, yet. Notice I said yet.
I googled for quite awhile and found that the majority of the Blog Hops had closed lists or were geared to selling their products in a very blatant way. That crossed them off my list. Don’t get me wrong, all artists want to make money, me included, but I prefer a more subtle approach. I got all excited over a couple of links only to discover the lists were already closed. Then, eureka! The heavens opened and directed me to these wonderful Blog Hops/Link Parties:
1) Mixed Media Map Art by Mary C. Nasser is having an Art Blog Hop. So many artists. So many blogs I want to visit.

And, a great list of Blog Hops and Link Parties
Thank you so very much for joining my art blog hop and for posting about it on your blog!
Wishing you all the best,
Thank you for sharing.