Face #10 Green Eyed Lady
A quick watercolor that I did today for EMG Sketch Fest, for the prompt Green Eyed Lady, prompted by Elma Bree.
A quick watercolor that I did today for EMG Sketch Fest, for the prompt Green Eyed Lady, prompted by Elma Bree.
Day twenty seven is almost at an end. It was a busy day but also very fun, because this weekend is Ellen Million Graphics Sketch Fest. As always, there were so many prompts to create from, it almost makes it hard to decide, but two stood out for me, Sugar Skull Fairy (prompt from Tara […]
My theme this past week seemed to have been centered on farms and freshness, thanks to Junelle’s Farmers Market Yum and Art Workshop. This is the last week for it and I am slowly working through it and savoring every project. I love it! The nice thing about it is even though this initial workshop […]
It was Sketch Fest #52 over at Ellen Million Graphics, this past weekend. There were so many art prompts left by fellow artists and art fans. Inspiration overload!! I selected a few that spoke to me. I started with the prompt ‘A spot of color’ given by Lynn Chua. This is what I did. […]
Over the weekend I took part in Ellen Million Graphics Sketch Fest #51. I had hoped to have more time to spend, but as the garden and outdoor chores come first, I only had an hour and only time for one sketch. I chose the prompt “Zentangled Anything” by Tiffany Guin and came up with […]
This past weekend, I had a bit of time to participate in the monthly Sketch Fest, over at Ellen Million Graphics. So many prompts, so little time. I’m going to make sure I have more time to participate in the next one. I chose two prompts by Rene Kunert: ‘Hair’ and ‘Message in A […]