Sunday Swoon – A Mermaid
A Mermaid Joining in with Effy Wild’s Sunday Swoon – Share something you’re proud of. This week, I’m swooning over this mixed media piece I did. Sketchy, full of texture and demanding to stay that way.
A Mermaid Joining in with Effy Wild’s Sunday Swoon – Share something you’re proud of. This week, I’m swooning over this mixed media piece I did. Sketchy, full of texture and demanding to stay that way.
“Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real.” Deepak Chopra We are by nature always on the alert for bad things that might happen. It is hard wired into us. It stems back to our basic instincts of fight or flight and survival. This is […]
Fall Is Coming Autumn is nearly here. My favorite season. Everything changes. A fresh breeze blows. Energy returns. Shadows lengthen. Patterns change. But, right now, it’s 90 degrees. It’s still summer. I have tomatoes on the vine, eggs to collect, and peach and apple pies to bake. I have plans to flesh out and implement […]
This was originally posted on January 5th 2016. I’m reposting it in response to Effy Wild’s Artfully Wild Blog Along’s nudge for today: “Dig something really good out of your archived writings”. Because this has primarily been a blog dedicated to displaying art and not to writing words, I have very few archived “writings”. This […]
The first day of the rest of this blog. The fear of the blank page has followed me from my art table to here. In order to break it, I speed sketched and painted a tag; it’s sole purpose to bring me back to blogging. Baby Steps. Thank you to […]
Painting From Another Inspiration Stack I enjoyed painting from the inspiration stack, which I shared with you last week, so much, that I decided to do it again. I loved the words in the text piece of paper: “Waiting in the wings. Awash in feather she could easily be princess turned into swan”. […]
From My Word Bowl – 10 Last week’s Life Book 2016 lesson with Tracy Verdugo taught me a new way to find inspiration to create with. She introduced me to “Inspiration Stacks”. I love-love-loved the idea! What is an inspiration stack? It’s torn sheets of ephemera, scrapbook paper, magazine and book pages etc. which are […]
From My Word Bowl – 9 This week I drew two great phrases and the word, and, from my word bowl. The sketch I did, I didn’t really “fuss over”, except to add some watercolor to it. I think she looks a little surprised, by what I’m not sure, but I’m happy that the […]
I was instantly inspired by Enchanted Visions’ theme for October. Eerie Encounter. Isn’t it perfect for this month of Halloween? I love the definition of eerie. Definition of eerie: 1. inspiring inexplicable fear, dread or uneasiness; strange or frightening […]
Isn’t it nice when you see something in your mail that isn’t a bill or a piece of junk mail? I’m not talking about your email inbox. I’m talking about your good old, snail mail mailbox. I love to receive mail, that is why I belong to a “Happy Mail” group on Face Book. […]
First, I’d like to thank everyone who has signed up for my newsletter. Thank you! On October 15th, the first “At Home with Tori” will be mailed to subscribers. New letters will be sent on the 15th of every month. A newsletter once a month and only once a month, I promise “At Home with Tori” […]